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Ward president in Pokhara was sentenced to 4 and a half months imprisonment for the crime of caste discrimination


District Court Kaski has sentenced Bharat Bahadur Adhikari, president of Pokhara Metropolitan City-24, to 4 and a half months imprisonment for racial abuse and untouchability.

Maia Nepali, a member of the ward, filed a complaint against the ward chairman officer saying that he had racially abused and molested her. In the same case, the single bench of Judge Avni Mainali Bhattarai of District Court Kaski on Thursday ordered the officer to be imprisoned for 4 months and the victim to pay compensation of Rs. And there is a provision of fine up to 50 thousand rupees. In the case of persons who hold public office, there is also a provision to impose an additional 50% punishment if the charges are confirmed.

“According to the same provisions, 4 and a half months of imprisonment with additional punishment, a fine of 75 thousand rupees and an order to pay compensation of 10 thousand rupees to the informant”, said Suraj Adhikari, information officer of District Court Kaski. After that she raised the question. He alleged that the ward head officer used abusive language on him and insulted the entire Dalit community.

After a complaint by Nepali, a member of the ward, the police arrested the ward president officer on December 26 last year. A case was filed in the district court after the police detained and investigated for 15 days. In the detention hearing held on 9th January 2079, the bench of District Court Judge Rishiraj Acharya ordered the release of the officer on a bond of Rs 150,000.

Maia Nepali, a member of the ward, said that the victims raised their voices in cases of discrimination, and it was proved that justice would be served.

No one has to sit down and be oppressed anymore. It seems that this is not only a verdict, but also an example for the marginalized like us”, she said, “I got justice by speaking that day, I have to speak. Now I urge others to speak about oppression, discrimination and violence against them.

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